Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sago Phalaenopsis

13 New Blooms on one influerence and 6 total stems, 2 will bloom.. Impressive

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


some recent photos I took of the Memorial I made for my dog Bo that passed away 3/15/2010. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Temperature Change

Most varieties of orchids enjoy a change of about 15 degrees between night time and daytime temperatures.  When the weather is mild enough and with this variation, it is a good time to let your orchids out of the house and enjoy the fresh air etc.  However, if the flower is already in bloom, you will want to keep it indoors so that flying insects do not pollinate the blooms.  If this happens, the blooms will wilt and die as they have served their purpose to propagate other orchids.  This change in temperature, can also signal other orchids that it is time to bloom.  Many Cattleyas and Phalaenopsis are fall blooming orchids that enjoy a little cooler weather.  If your orchids are like mine, and remain indoors all the time at a constant temperature range between 72 and 75 degrees, then you need to as do I take them out and let them experience the fluctating temperature of about 15 degrees to stimulate blooms and growth.  Most orchids can tolerate down to about 55 degrees, anything lower than that, and you need to bring them indoors if you do not have a greenhouse etc.  On that note, I need to move my cattleyas, oncidiums, phalaenopsis, and cymbidiums outside!  Vandas like warmer temps and higher humidity, but here in Pearland, Texas the weather is perfect right now!

Happy Blooms,

Brandon Abshire
The OW

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Table top fountains

I recently made a purchased a table top fountain from and my orchids dig it the most.  Small table top fountains are a great way to give your orchids the increased humidity (75%-85) that they crave.  Combined with a oscillating fan, I have created a perfect environment for most of not all types of orchids. My area is approximately 12 ft by 6 ft. and consists of over 30 orchids of several different varieties including: Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Oncidium, Vanda, and Dendrobiums.  Check out my new fountain below.  Take Care,

The Orchid Whisperer

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wilting Flowers

It never changes, every time my orchid blooms start to wilt I get a little depressed.  Even though my blooms have been perfect for 3 1/2 months, it never fails that it upsets me to see them start to die.  But then I think, "well, I'll cut the stem just above the first node below where the first flower bloomed, and in a short while, I will have an entirely new inflorescence with even more lovely blooms!"  I good preventative for this depression, is to have several different varieties of orchids with different blooming schedules and you are good to go, or at least it is less depressing.

I am getting really excited because my very large Vanda is about to bloom, along with five of my cattleyas, so there will be plenty of color around my home for the next few months.  You should be watering most types once maybe twice a week now in the summer months, and misting everyday.  Ventilation is key also, but when you have a fan on the plants, it can dry them out faster, so test the weight of those pots every other day, if they feel really light, then it is time to water.  If the feel very heavy after 3 or 4 days, then it might not be draining properly, and you might need to change potting soil, or drill another hole in the bottom of your pot.

Recently, I had a pot that was not draining very well at all, and it turns out that two large pieces of fir bark had lodged in the drain holes, preventing any water from escaping.  I noticed it when I was watering and the medium began floating and water poured over the top of the pot.  Your's might not be so obvious, so check the weight weekly if not more often.  If you have a drill, then you can purchase special drill bits for glass or ceramic, and can drill additional holes if needed.  I save money by buying pots without holes and drill my own.  I am talking about $10.00 additional per pot for holes predrilled.  Hey every penny counts, am I right?  Have not written in a while, but it feels good.  Till next time, Happy Blooms!  Ask me anything, and I will get you an answer!

Brandon Abshire
The Orchid Whisperer

Large Phalaenopsis with 4 Inflorescences, still blooming while other blooms are wilting!